You are welcome to come along to our Sunday worship and housegroups as a visitor. However we do not believe that visitors are members of the Church as such.
We look for people to join us as “members” who have been “born again” and have been baptised in water by immersion.
Being a member of the Church is like becoming a member of a family: it involves privileges and responsibilities on both sides.
We seek to offer our members 24/7 support. If you need us anytime day or night we will be there for you. Other members of the Church will also give their time and energy to supporting you. Like any family we all have times when we need the unconditional love and support of those around us. Membership of the Church is a way in which you can find and give that support to the rest of the body of Christ.
Membership also carries with it responsibilities. Members of the Church are expected to be committed to the Kingdom of God and Church gatherings. Members are expected to support the Church financially (if they are able) and to support one another in practical and spiritual ways. Members of the Church are expected to be effective in personal evangelism and to present a clear testimony of Christ's love to those that they work and live with.
If you want to find out more about membership come and ask one of the leaders or sign up for our next membership course.